Nano Freya!

I’ve had this little girl for 12-13 years and to be honest, I never really bonded with her.

No idea why, really – she’s so cute!

I noticed the other day that she was sitting there on my shelf, just… neglected. And when I took her down for a closer look, she was dirty with dust and just seemed… sad.

I know, I know, she’s a lump of plastic and can’t feel sadness but still. 12 years and all I’ve ever done with her is give her a basic faceup and make her a little dress.

She deserves better.

So. She’s getting it. Starting with a bath.

I knew nothing about sealer when I got her so… the basic faceup came off with a little bit of scrubbing

And now I have a blank – albeit cute – canvas to work on.

She’s still wearing her old eyes until the new ones get here, and she has new hair on the way too ❤️

But today is for new details and hopefully a new dress 😊

Poor little thing – I’m really not torturing her!

Let’s see how things go…

I Caved…

My Dearmine Dune is… well, ordered if not on his way 😂

Can’t believe I’m doing this to myself again, the wait for Scout was purgatorial 🤣

But… I think he’ll be worth it. His big brother certainly was 🥰

He’s so cute 🥰
What a sweet face 🥺

Though tbh, he’s not going to look much like his official pics…

I did ask for the company faceup, because I think it’s super sweet and it fits the image I have in my head. But… well…

The clothes I have for him aren’t quite the “older gentleman” aesthetic of the official pics 😅
I originally bought the grey shirt for Scout but he’s kinda barrel chested ❤️ It doesn’t fit!
I love that purple tee
Especially against the dark red wig 🥺 (I just love redheads 🥰)
Such pretty eyes – I hope they suit him!

I originally thought he’d be a guitar player but I keep seeing him playing the violin…

Guess I’ll have to wait til he arrives home and tells me what he’d prefer 😊❤️

Banana Bread

I had a bunch of bananas that were rapidly going brown and would have been wasted – so I asked Scout if he’d like to help me make banana bread!

He seemed quite enthusiastic 😂
So what do we do first?

Why don’t you find us a good recipe and I’ll get the things we need?

Ooh, I found a good one, Cat!

Excellent, call out what we need then?

It says we need flour and sugar and butter and bananas and-

Whoa, hold your horses lil man! 😂 I only have two hands!

(It didn’t take long to assemble everything though)

Scout was very proud 😂

Will you line the cake tray while I start measuring things, Scout?

I’m on it!
How much flour do we need- oops…

It’s okay, we can clean up later 😂

It doesn’t look much like bread, Cat?

Well no, we still need some elbow grease 😋 Want to peel the naners for me while I mix this?


Good boy! Now we mix those in too, and we’re almost done!

Still doesn’t look much like bread! 😂

Well we have to bake it 😂 I’ll pour it into the tin, do you want to smooth it out?

Yes, I got it!

Now we can put it in the oven! I’ll get this part Scout – you’re a bit small to reach and we don’t want you hurt.

Nuh-uh, safety first!!

Now we let it bake!

about an hour later-

Mmm, smells good! Can we have some?

Gotta get it out of the tin first, and let it cool, little guy! Watch your fingers!

They’re just bone, don’t worry –giggles

Do you need some help there?

Nope, I got it!
Time to clean up!
Ta-da! We done good!

SO Tempted…

I said when I finally decided to adopt Scout, that he was going to be my only resin baby – because I wanted to spoil him rotten.

And I do. I’ve been having so much fun doing precisely that 😂

But before he arrived home, I was goofing around online, looking at other doll companies and smugly thinking how much they simply didn’t tempt me, beautiful as a lot of them are.

Until I found Dearmine.

Specifically, the Oskar Dystopia sculpt.

That smirk…
Beautiful 🥺

He makes my little furry heart glad 🤣

But it was easy enough to talk myself out of adopting him. As absolutely gorgeous as he is, I had no idea what I’d do with him – he didn’t fit any storylines I’d like to create, he didn’t spark my imagination, he just didn’t “speak” to me.

But I kept going back to Dearmine to look at the beautiful, beautiful catboys.

And therein lay my downfall 😮‍💨

I found Dune.

I love his face ❤️
That lil furry heart thing again… 😍

And I immediately knew who he’d be for us.

Scout’s younger brother, of course 😊 My sweet redhead, slightly geeky, punky boy who plays guitar, is fond of band/comic tees and oversized sweaters, quiet but confident, smart and adorable and loving but who will easily kick ass when he has to. This kitty has claws ❤️

I’ve been trying to talk myself out of adopting him.

It’s not working.

I even tried to put myself off by noticing the way Dearmine paint his mouth slightly open and I don’t really like how it looks.

But I asked if it was possible to have his mouth painted without that detail, so I could tell my stupid brain that it would eventually annoy me, that the doll would be a waste because it would annoy me – but Dearmine were so unbelievably sweet and said it was no problem for them to do his faceup with a closed mouth.

It seems the more I try to forget him, the more he speaks to me. I can picture him so clearly, his dark red hair and his rose tattoos, his beautiful brown eyes, his comfy dress sense, the way he and Scout would be so sweet together, gaming and practicing their music and playfully teasing each other.

I found the exact clothes as I see them in my head, and the perfect wig and eyes (that I had to buy because I’d have been gutted if missed out on them).

Seriously, how beautiful are these 🥰
This colour is gorgeous

The universe is conspiring against me I s2g 😭

That Image…

I swear it won’t leave me alone 😂 I had to draw Scout in the outfit I’ve been seeing him in.

Quick and sketchy but it hurts too much to draw properly 😭 He still looks cute ❤️

And this is the sweater I found on Etsy!

From SapharBJDTailoring!

I think he’s going to look adorable!

Also really liked the slightly hooded eyes he has in the sketch so I spent some time making him a matching set today.

They’re not quite dry yet but I did get a chance to try them and they really suit him!

Spoiling My Baby (Part III)

They were supposed to be for Christmas, but-

Make sure it’s not too loud!

Scout just looks too cute in his little bitty headphones 😂

And I couldn’t resist giving him his Switch either…

He’s just too cute 🥰

I’ve also had this image in my head since before he even arrived – I keep seeing him in an oversized striped sweater, beanie hat, worn black jeans and little sturdy boots.

No idea where the image comes from.

But I have found the absolute perfect sweater on Etsy and am so tempted to buy it (Scout already has the beanie, the boots are on the way and I found adorable little black jeans that should fit, too).

Is it bad to spoil him so much..?

A New Recruit!

Scout came to work with me today!

He’s a computer whiz 😂

His customer skills aren’t bad – service with a smile!

At least he didn’t have to wear a headset…
He even joined me for lunch ❤️
But he decided to simply supervise for the rest of the afternoon 🥰

Playing With Poses ❤️

The second attempt at making a cute little summer top for Scout went better!

What a cool dude 😂

So I decided to take the opportunity, while he was all dressed up, to play with posing him – since I’m not quite so scared to move him incase I break him 😅

I think he was telling me not to be so silly 😂
He seemed to like his little sofa swing
He even posed with his cuddly friend(s) 🥰
Then decided it was practice time 😊